Page name: Ikilios' Palace 5 [Logged in view] [RSS]
2004-06-16 01:59:11
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Nilmawen sighs and leaves to go to pick up supplies at the market.
Venetor strides from the barracks to the main palace. His men at his heels. There was a breeze, a breeze that ruffled his hair so slightly, a breeze that whispered of things to come in his ears. His face was set as he made his way, his right hand resting upon the hilt of his sword, ready as the palace doors parted before him.
Altus rose, watching patiently from his remaining good eye. He shook his mane idly. He had seen such things come to pass in ages now long gone. He yawned and stretched his forelimbs, his long black claws raking the stone floor of the palace.
After Maximus left his quarters, Malekith sat down in the middle of the room, his back to the door, his katana layed out in front of him. Beginning to meditate, Malekith attuned his senses towards the door, wishing one of Lucius' croneys would just try to sneak up on him
Kathryn waited a minute then she left. She was going with or with out Ikilios's permission. Kathryn went to her room and gathered some daggers which she hid on various places on her body. She then removes a sword from her things, this is a double edged folded about 100-150 times sword she wasn't sure her mother had given it to her. After arming and changing into 'pants' for easier fighting she went in search of the man who she knew would help her. Kathryn made Malekith aware that she was there. " Are you busy?" Kathryn asked good naturedly, to Malekith who looked like he was preparing for something.

"As for Sarconia," Diana shrugged " Have you not noticed? She is deeply in love with that Caius boy... If someone where to throw the two of them together or have him become injured while she was in the vicinity then I believe that Sarconia would forget about Leonor." Diana finished as one of her hounds came and looked at her. The hounds had left the lion when they knew he would be well cared for. " What! Atlus is in the palace?" Diana silently questioned the hounds to make sure. They described the lion perfectly.
Sarconia grimaced and got up, walking towards Ikilios chambers. Gods i dont know what to do.. give up the revolt and be with Caius.. or go through with my plans. She thought to herself as she walked. She got to Ikilios door and stood there as if waiting for an answer.
Bacchus smiled, hearing Dianas plan. "Yes, she would never be so devoted to the rebell that she would leave Caius wounded. A good plan, devious. But I would refuse to seriously wound him, that is not necessary. But Diana, who is Altus? Will you tell us?"

"Atlus is...I believe that he is the last of his kind. He is the largest Lion in this world. He is magnificant, he is a beauty beyond words. He has the intelligence of.. well I don't know, but he is extremely intelligent. There aren't many languages he doesn't know. If he is here something is going to happen. What is he doing here? Whose side is he on?" Diana asked falling into speculation.

Altus yawned broadly and lay back down, resting his regal head on a forepaw. Given what he had heard thus far he felt there was no need to strain his injured limb unnessicarily. He flicked his tail again, closed his eyes and listened.
"My meditation is at an end. Why do you desturb me Kathryn. And why do you draw your sword." replied Malekith, without turning around.

"My sword is not drawn meerly available. I would not carry around a naked blade. We have a traitor amongst us. I thought you might be inclined to join me in the hunt." Kathryn said lounging in the doorway.

"I would be happy to, but how good are you with that blade of yours?" asked Malekith, picking up his katana and standing up to face Kathryn.

"I'm not too bad. I wouldn't have brought it if i wasn't prepared to use it." Kathryn said watching Malekith rise.

"Yes, that is true," said Malekith, "I would suggest, befor we search for the traitor, we speak with Ikilios, and find out what he plans to do to defend Rome."

"I just left him. From my understanding the palace guard are searching for our traitor. And those whose loyalty is totally for Ikilios are guarding him and Leonor. The guard is also closing the palace so as not to be attacked from two directions. Ikilios knows what is needed. He is not helpless. I want to get to the traitor before the guard does. So I will go with or with out you. By the way, do you know where the lion is?" Kathryn said taking out a dagger from her boot and cleaning her finger nails.
Sarconia turned around and walked away from Ikilios' door, walking towards the gardens.She layed a hand on her right thigh and felt her daggers, she took a deep breath and turned a corner to her left, now walking away from the gardens, Sarconia slipped into the shadows and left the palace towards the pantheon.
"No, I have left the lion to it's own devices. I don't know why, but I feel the lion if on our side. I trust you to keep a handle on him, just in case though," replied Malekith, "I ask you, who do you think the traitor is?"

"The traitor is Lucius, with the help of a few others, his henchman... what is his name. And I have no control over the lion I will ask his help though to protect Ikilios. Malekith are you anygood with your Katana?" Kathryn said she finished cleaning her nails and put her dagger back into her boot.

"Good, you know who it is too... his accomplise is Caius," said Malekith, a bit annoyed someone would doubt his expertise with his blade, "And yes, I am very good with my katana. Not only do I wield it with great skill, it has been blessed by the Japanese gods so that it is quite potent against the creatures of hell... and I suspect Lucius of being not quite human..."

"And what gave you the idea, that Lucius wasn't human? The fact that all the Ceasars seem to have a counciler... of similiar build, similar ideas and ideals. There is record in Alexandria about a counciler that doesn't seem to come and go in rome's politicians. I have read a few accounts of a counciler that doesn't grow old and that steals the ruling Caesars youth. The last is probably an exageration but, I do know that this councilor has been with three previous Ceasars. Where shall we begin... the traitor or the lion?" Kathryn asked after stating matter of factly about what she knew.

"That depends on how much you trust the lion." stated Malekith.

"I trust him more than any guard, I have a feeling that he sees and understands more than we know. Besides I accidentally fell asleep in his company, and I came to no harm. I am in the mood for a hunt though." Kathryn replied an evil glint coming into her eyes.

"Very well, let us go search for Lucius." said Malekith with a rare smile, feeling her sleep with the lion was not a natural one. After all, she slept though his roar.

"Yes lets see if our prey knows that it is being hunted..." Kathryn replied with an calculated grin on her face. " Lead the way." Kathryn's smile became evil as she motioned for Malekith to preceede her.
Lucius had heard all the commotion of soldiers walking about. Ikilios was securing the palace. Curse it, does he know?! Lucius sat in his study, looking at the door, sitting as stiff as a tree, almost as if he expected someone to burst through. Lucius snarled. He had to take precautions...there was far more at stake than Rome...his own life was in danger! Lucius got up and ran to his wall of shelves. He ran his fingers over a bind of books and found what he was looking for, his fingers tingling with the familiar jewel on the special book. He pushed it in hard and with a low grumble, the shelf opened into another room slowly. Lucius took another look around and went in. He closed it quickly and ran down the dark hall quickly.

Caius had also noticed the strange bustle and quivering atmosphere around the palace- something instinctual told him to find Lucius and warn him. Without thinking about it further he runs to Lucius' study, and knocks on the door. After knocking several times and geting no answer he opens the door. Under normal situations Lucius would kill him for entering without permission, but htis was different. Only Lucius wasn't there. Caius walked around the desk slowly, noticing his papers were gone- which meant only one thing. Caius swore, again and again. Lucius had fled. Rage overtook him and he kicked the desk, (which he immediately regretted- his foot was now throbbing) With a scowl he headed to the pantheon If he couldn't find Lucius and demand some answers then at least he could plead for mercy from the gods. If Lucius was truely gone, he doubted he could hold the rebellion himself.
Malekith and Kathryn arrived at Lucius' studdy. "Kathryn, why don't you knock at the door, I shall hide in the shadows. We will gain a great advantage if he does not know I am here."

"I have a better idea." Kathryn says as she takes out a long thing metal rod that was hidden under her hair. She then picks the locks. " Ready." Kathryn says; she stepped to the side and opened the door carefully.

Glancing in, Malekith notices there is no one there. "Hmmm... there is no one here. It seems the serch continues. Shall we check with the guards to see if they know where he is?"

" They won't know. We need hard evidence. Lets search the place. It may give us a clue to his where abouts." Kathryn said with rage barely suppressed in her voice. She wanted blood...

"Very well Kathryn, but I would warn you not to rush into this. I want Lucius dead just as much as you. But remember, he is not human. We do not know what powers he possesses." warned Malekith as he walked into Lucius' study.

"You want him dead!.? Why?" Kathryn asked her voice dangerously low as if she were fighting to keep her voice under control. " I say we trash the place, what do you think?" Kathryn commented it would be sweet revenge to totally rampage through out Lucius's rooms.
Altus had pulled himself to his feet. He moved through the corridors in feline silence. His paws striking the floor in an uneven gait...he would have still was quite painful. Like moonlight his white coat gleamed, caught in slivers of light from outside. He shook his mane. He new this dance. It had been done time and again over the course of the ages. He halted and pricked his ears....voices...
"I want him dead after I know why he was after our ceasar," growled Malekith. "I would not reccomend we 'trash the place', we don't want him to know someones on to him, only for him suspect it."

"Fine but if i get to him first you will have to ask his corpse your questions. And I will be 'searching' his rooms there's got to be something in them that will help us." Kathryn replied walking to the desk and opening drawers, she abruptly dumped its contents on the ground, with an "OOpppsss. Clumsy me."

"Very well, have fun with his possession. I am going after the man himself." With that, Malekith begins searching for a book with a button or some sort of hidden trigger. Knowing Lucius, it would be concealed as a jewel, or some sort of special book cover.

"What are you looking for over there?" Kathryn asked searching through some more files. She smiled as she looked down and found the evidence on Leonor. All of it was fake. She took it to the middle of the room and burnt it with some flint she had, she made sure no to burn anything else. " Now what can I do to help?" Kathryn asked Malekith.
After making some preparations around the barracks Aurelius entered the palace looking for Maximus and Venetor.

Small groups of legionaires patrolled the corridors. In twos or threes but Venetor had set out alone. His hand resting just above the hilt of his sword as he strode down the quiet corridors.

Aurelius caught up with him. "I have been looking for you. I have been thinking about defence of the palace and Rome and do not wish to be in error. Since maximus is not around, you are the next highest ranking officer. The two of us are not much of a military council, but we'll have to do for now."

Venetor halted in his tracks abruptly turning with a swish of crimson cloak as his sword left it's sheath with a metallic hiss, hearing footsteps. Seeing who it was he resheathed it and settled into looking mildly annoyed though he dare not say anything to a superior officer. He nodded in agreement but kept his silence.

A slight hint of discontent showed on Aurelius's face. "A good commander needs to not only swing a sword but use his head. The first thing on my mind is that we should find a place to evacuate the people. See to it that it happens. Although Lucius is not likely to try and harm the citizens of the empire he wishes to rule, one can never be too careful. Secondly, I have heard reports of a former general of Rome, a traitor, to be present. Can you confirm?"

"I am sorry sir." He looked to Aurelius, wondering, "Evacuate the people sir? That would seem folly for the people love their emperor and would be a valuable asset should the traitor seek to flee...And no sir, I have seen no general." The young commander shifted his weight restlessly, eyeing his superior.

"The townspeople cannot fight, and there is no guarantee that the enemy soldiers will not harm them. Wait out as long as possible to evacuate, save it should we not hold our own in the fields beyond Rome. As well, I go back on my decision to garrison the palace alone. get some men out to the countryside to make ramparts. And get some information on the kind of foe we will be facing..... I am sorry that you must bear al these troubles, lad. You are young, but I have faith that you will hold out. You are dismissed, as it iseems you have other things on your mind."

Venetor nodded, "Yes sir." He gave a showr bow and turned to go and carry out these new tasks. He scowled, a gnawing feeling in the back of his mind made him wonder if these orders were not just to get him out of the way. He sighed, and was gone into the night. Orders were orders.
Passing Venetor who was on the way out, Maximus entered the palace from the barracks, seeing Aurelius standing there, he quickly strode over to him, "We need to make preparations, and quickly too. There's no telling how soon the enemy is going to hit us, and we need to be ready. I have my own ideas but I was going to bring them before you first."
"I am looking for a jewel or some other object that could be a switch to opening a hidden passage. It would most likely be on the cover of a fake book," replied Malekith, "If you find somthing here that would be wonderful." I do not plan to chace after Lucius right away, as the palace will soon come under attack. I merely want to know how he escaped, as it may possible lead to our traitor."

Kathryn smiled and started looking for the book, that wasn't a book. She started on the other side of the room from where Malekith was.

Feeling down a row of books, Malekith's fingers touched a jewel on the spine of a book. The jewel receded into the binding, and the shelf opened to reveal a hallway. "Excellent, this is it. Kathryn, I have found what I came for. If you want to go after Lucifer, go ahead, but I must confer with Romes generals." Taking a vial out of his robes, Malekith coats the jewel in a strange liquid. "Kathryn, I would not suggest touching the jewel now. The poison I coated it in will almost instantly put any who touch it into a deep sleep. Let us see just who wishes to meet with Lucius."

"Unfortunately, I will need help if I want to face Lucius. I do not know anything about him. I will try to find Ikilios and bring him to his generals. Then I will go after Lucius with or with out help." Kathryn said a small frown on her face, she would have to wait to bring punishment to Lucius.

"very good." said Malekith as he exited the room.
Soon after, Malekith spoted Aurelius and Maximus talking. "Gentelmen, you two are just who I was looking for. We have much to do."
Kathryn left the room after a last look at the book. She walked around looking for Leonor, since she would be with ikilios. She turned a corner and saw them. " Leonor! Are you two alright?" Kathryn called to Leonor then adressed both of them.
Aurelius nodded. "Hold on one second, Malekith. Maximus, what is it you have in mind?"
Altus continued to travel in silence through the halls of the palace. He need not meet anyone nor see nor hear them, he could sense that something was afoot. Not that he cared one way or the the other. His mind was wandering ancient forests where sunlight split upon the path before his feet in dappled patches. Unicorn's had tread here once...but no more. The lion sighed wondering if ever things would return to the way they once were. He thought not. Now here he was in a labyrinth of stone and held by the ancient magic that possessed him to a woman long would that last? So long as his fate belonged to her he hadn't his powers. This was the law laid by the pagan gods of old. And a wise one...
"We need to decide how to protect the palace. We cannot simply wait for the invaders to charge while we swing our swords. We need a strategy. We must prevent them from even reaching the doors." said Malekith
Leonor turned from Ikilios to see Kathryn. Leonor smiled softly. "Kathryn," Leonor greeted.

"Are you alright?" Kathryn asked just as softly. Kathryn hugged Leonor and whispered in her ear, " You are found innocent of all crimes you didn't commit." Kathryn pulled away and looked Leonor in the eyes.
"I was thinking that we could have some kind of defensive trenchwork dug around the palace to help with the defence." said Maximus, "That would make it much easier to protect the Ceasar should the palace come under attack, I just haven't thought much about the details yet. I was hoping we could talk about it."
Leonor smiled tearfully at Kathryn. "And thank the gods for that. And you, my friend? How are things here?" Leonor asked, wondering if the fear showed up in her voice.

" Things are as well as expected. Malekith and I are going after the traitor as soon as we know that Ikilios and you are safe or as safe as we can make it. Have you seen the lion anywhere about?" Kathryn reported with a smile at the relief on Leonor's face.
"Thinking the same thing," said Aurlius "Although it is a shame to tear up the palace gardens, I want the troops to do so should any enemy be seen. We will dig trenches 2 meters deep and pile the earth behind them to serve as a rampart. There are to be spaces between them, so that we can funnel the enemy and make their numbers useless..... And make some hedges of sharpened stakes to keep the cavalry away. What do you think of that."

"I think that thats a great idea, but there is one thing that would make it much better." said Maximus, "We should fill the trenches with water should soldiers try and jump the gap. Then when they fail to make it across they would fall into the water and probably drown."

"Or the archers will kill them, either way, it is a good idea." stated Malekith, "I would suggest one of you bring the idea to Ikilios right away."

"Right you are" said Aurelius "Maximus, I will take care of passing it to the caesar. Do not start work on it yet. We will save it as a last implement of defence. Should the enemy know of these ramparts ahead of time, they may find a way to beat them. Simply keep it In mind. Should we be defeated in the field, we will make it happen."

"Makes sense to me." said Maximus, "but I don't think that we should be talking about defeat in the field. Not that we should be overly optomistic either, but we won't have to tear up those beautiful gardens if we aren't defeated outside the walls. I have some other things to take care of so I'll talk to you later." Then he saluted to Aurelius, and left for the Latium.

"Now then, Malekith," said Aurelius turning to the assassin "What's on your mind? I have a strange feeling that you have not come to discuss military strategy with me."

"No, though it was at the back of my mind. I need to know everything you have found out about this little rebellion. I know quite a bit myself, but the more information I can gather the better." stated Malekith

Altus halted abruptly. He had heard voices just up ahead...He pricked his ears, listening intently.

"I have gleaned much myself, although it probably will not be news to you," said Aurelius "I am not sure whom I can trust, but have no choice in the matter right now. My spies report having seen an increased amount of Northerners in the city. I myself can confirm that, and I also know they are not of my people. Their language is different. My commander's intuition tells me that they are a tool in this, but how can I stop it? If I go around arresting people left and right, Lucius may well draw the populace of Rome to his side, and then we are doomed."

"Good, so you too believe the head of the conspiracy is Lucius. I have reason to believe he has fled the palace, as I found a secret passage leading away from his study, with fresh footprints in the dust. I alone cannot deal with Lucius, but I believe the both of us can deal with him, and we have something he does not expect." Said Malekith, running his fingers over the flat of his katana.

"I have heard of such swords, though never got the chance to try one out. But how can the both of us deal with Lucius? I must remain here to ensure the machine of war runs smoothly. I think you will have to find a non-officer to get after Lucius, or wait until the battle is finished."

The lion hesitated, flicking an ear as he thought. He recognized both voices which traveled upon the still and tense air. One voice however he was in no great hurry to meet it's owner. He shifted his weight again, moving it off his injured limb.
Altuc breathed a heavy sigh. They were speaking of battle. How many times he had heard their kind talk of it late into the night...He was reminded of a song. One he had written many years ago. Before, he presummed, their great city had even been erected.

"In any case," said Aurelius "I must go to the Pantheon. Even with an army as strong as ours we will need the favor of the gods if we are to win. If you need anything from me..... I cannot tell you where I will be, as I do not yet know myself. May good fortune be with you." With that he turned and headed for the Pantheon.

"Hmmm... I do not wish to fight Lucius just yet, and I cannot risk Kathryn getting harmed." whispered Malekith to himself. Suddenly he became very disturbed. Never before had he cared about the welfare of others. What made Kathryn so special, or even Ikilios for that matter. Why did he all of a sudden care about these people. He needed to get some fresh air. Malekith decided he had better go and search for Kathryn to explain what just happened
Kathryn quickly excused herself when she realized Leonor had no idea where the lion was. Kathryn started searching for the lion, she walked through a few halls before she spotted the lion. Kathryn saw the lion, she would have passed by the hall if the lion hadn't shifted.
" There you are.! What are you doing up and about? You are supposed to be resting." Kathryn said concern in her voice.

Altus flicked an ear to her first and then turned his head so his gaze followed. He closed his eye and bowed his head as she approached.

"Is that an apology?Humph! You should be resting not off galavanting!" Kathryn said amusement coming into her voice," Even though i could never sit still when i was injured..." Kathryn chuckled softly at a memory. " What are you doing out here anyway?" Kathryn finished looking the lion in the face.

Altus looked as her sadly. He settled down upon his haunches gingerly, twisting to the side so as to favour the injured leg more.
He wished he could answer, he truely did. He however, did not have his powers in tact so as he might do so.

"Who has so thoroughly caught your attention as to not hear me coming?" Kathryn asked walking up to the lion's side. She placed a hand on the lions shoulder. Kathryn looked at the surrounding doors and waited for the lion to indicate which had caught his attention.

Malekith spotted Kathryn talking with the lion. *alas* thought Malekith *that thing is still here. Nonetheless, I must speak with kathryn.* "Kathryn, I was unable to procure help with Lucius. How did you fare with the matter?"
It was at that moment that Maximus burst into the palace followed closely behind by a patrol, Shadow, who was tied up, Nilmawen and Tuhai-bei. Turning to the guards, he said, "Take this man," motioning to shadow, "and lock him up in the dungeons. He is not to be harmed in any way." Walking up to Malekith, he said, "Where might I find the Ceasar? There is an urgent matter that I wish to speak to him about."
" I have been with Leonor, so i have not even started looking. I was just making sure that Glory is okay." Kathryn indicated the lion. "He was just about to indicate what caught his attention."

Altus responded by rubbing his head up against Kathyrn, a rumbling purr sounding deep in his throat. He stopped however, when Malekith came forward and resigned to watching the man with a mistrustful vigilence. It had of course been them he had been listening to.

Kathryn unconciously leaned into the lion. " Why don't the two of you get along?" Kathryn asked noticing the lions suddenly tense face and body. She asked both of them wanting a responce from both man and cat.

"I cannot completely trust the lion because of what happened at the Coloseum, though I am willing to give him a chance." responded Malekith, "And Maximus, I know not where the ceasar is, but if there is something the ceasar must know, I must know it as well."

"Is that so?" said Maximus. "Well in that case, the young man who was sent to the dungeons just a moment ago, needs to receive the Ceasar's judgement in the matter of his crimes. This barbarian here, wishes to join us so that we might lop heads together. For these matters I wish to speak to the Ceasar."

Kathryn waited for a responce from the lion. Realizing he would not give one infront of a stranger she responded, " Sir, the Ceasar is preoccupied. If you haven't noticed the palace is being fortified.You may adress your problem with Malekith and myself or you may wait until the citizens of rome are not endangered. Other wise report to the general in charge of the palace and leave your prisioner, if he truly committed a crime time in the dungeon will help. If he didn't then he will be compensated. What is your decision? We are busy ourselves and must not tarry for fear that our tasks will get to far ahead of us." Kathryn said the last statement looking directly at Malekith, then she turned her attention to the other man.

Tuhai-Bei was looking about him in amazement. He had never seen anything so grand as the palace before, but getting a hold of himself and addressed Kathryn. "Since nobody else seems willing, maybe you could fill me in as to what's going on. All this secrecy talk is makin' my head spin. No harm in that, I probably would not understand political business anyway."

"For your information milady, my name is Maximus, I am a General, and second in command of the entire Roman Legion. If I were to speak to the general in charge of the palace, I would be speaking to either Aurelius or myself. I would also know that the palace is being fortified, because it was partly by my orders that caused it. As for the prisoner, he said that he had commited a crime and that he wished to be executed. I told him that that decision was for the Ceasar alone. I promised him an audience with His Majesty as soon as I could."

"He said he committed a crime and wants to be executed?" Kathryn looked at Malekith, " Could we have an assassian amongst us? As for you general Maximus I suggest that you triple the guard on the prisioner incase this was his way of geting into the palace, as an assassian. This makes our situation complicated..." Kathryn adress the last statement to Malekith, " Glory is there anyway that you would be able to help us?" Kathryn asked, the lion, her mind going faster than her tongue.

"This is a distinct possibility." said Maximus, "Although I do have my doubts. But it is better to be safe then sorry. I will see to it that it is done, milady. If that is your wish." Issuing a salute to Kathryn he turned on his heels and left for the dungeon's below.

Altus gave her a pitying look. he could, of course, not help. The ancient magics prevented him from doing so...lest of course his share in a quarrel be always equal. He had, in mind, a poem...a song of long ago but the words he could not find, and, with the other man still present, did not wish to.

"Can you help Glory? A look means nothing..." Kathryn spoke softly to the lion.

Altus breathed a heavy sigh. Silly girl he thought to himself. Humans could be so superficial. A look, can mean everything. But, that was not a pressing matter at any rate.
He could not help, at least directly anyways. He thought though, how he might communicate this to her whilst his powers were lost to him.

" You are in no condition to help! What was I thinking. Oh i know you can take care of many things but... for this you must be in top condition. Shame on me for even asking!" Kathryn said slightly vexed at herself. " Besides, you are not involved in this court so why would you help?!" Kathryn said mainly to herself, "Malekith, now what shall we do.? I think that the two of us could hunt our prey..."

"Huntin'?" Tuhai-Bei's eyes lit up "And what manner of prey may you be going after? NO matter, as long as there is fighting in the offing, I'd be glad to prove myself!"

"I am sorry sir but what is your business at the palace?" Kathryn asked slightly startled she had forgotten the man was there.

Just then Maximus returned from the dungeons.

"Well, this soldier here," Tuhai-Bei pointed to Maximus "was asking me if I wanted to join his army or something because of my little scrap at the arena, so, here I am."

"Well sir," said Malekith, " There will be plenty of fighting for you soon enough. The prey we are 'hunting' is not your traditionall animal. We are hunting what I believe to be a daemon."

"Do you have solid proof? What scrape did you get into sir?" Kathryn asked first Malekith then Tuhai-Bei. "Glory..."a slight pause " do you want to leave..?" Kathryn asked tentatively.

"Kathryn, you yourself stated that Lucius had been the emperors consol for genarations. He has been around longer than is humanly possible. your statement itself shows he is not human. If he is not human, what is he?" asked Malekith

"I remember saying something to that effect but i do not recall saying that to you. Just because he has live a long time doesn't mean he is a deamon. He could need the blood of a mokey's heart and a witch to stay as young as he is... or a deamon. We just don't have enough information. What do we know of his history?" Kathryn asked Malekith.

"As fer the scrap, lady, just talk to the workers of the....Colloseum, is it?" Tuhai-Bei said with a half smile "They cursed me long and hard for the mess I made."

"Sir I have no desire to do that. If you would just tell me I may be able to put your talents to use." Kathryn said perplexed, he had given an interesting answer.

"Ah, that's better. Well, although I am a fairly good marksman with my bow, which is temporarily not in my possesion, and have descent skill with a sword,. this is my main weapon," Tuhai-Bei pointed to his axe "it belonged to my father once. I was granted its use for my deeds in battle, as such a weapon is never inherited." He took out the axe, hefted it in both hands, spun it fancily, and leaned on it like a staff. "Since men of this city seem to take pleasure in watching warriors kill one another, I gave them a show. It was a good fight, those fifteen warriors were tough, as far as regular people go, but I seek a real challenge, and this demon hunt seems like just the opportunity. I have never faced a demon myself, but heard from accounts that they make fearsome opponents."

Kathryn raised an eyebrow at the mans story. "Do you have witnesses to this feat?" Kathryn asked the man and the general. To Malekith she said, " What do you think?"

"I witnessed the cleanup of the bodies." said Maximus. "They were throwing the bodies of over ten former gladiators into the lion pits. I asked them what had occured, and they told me that a greatly skilled barbarian had toyed with them and slaughtered them as a cat would a mouse. I have reason to believe that he is an extremely proficient warrior."

"That would be assumed with the 15 dead warriors that could have been called on for the defense of the palace." Kathryn said in a condescending tone. "Next time just leave the victims unconscious. I do not believe that we have been properly introduced... you are?"

Altud sat watching, the tip of his tufted tail flicking occasionally as his mind worked. Typical of their kind, the subject of their choice. He breathed a soft sigh. Ages upon ages and yet they had learnt so very little. He pitied them in a way.
He made no other sound nor comment choosing to remain still. As a marble statue save his eyes which gleamed like shards of ice.

"You know you have yet to answer my question...or voice an opinion." Kathryn muttered so only Glory could hear.

Altus nodded solemly. He was well aware of this fact but remained silent. Not out of choice mind, he had plenty he wished to say but could not due to the ancient magic which bound him. So long as his fate rested with man his powers were lost to him and that included common speech.

"fifteen men! that is no easy feat, even for me. Your skills are impressive, but I do not think even you are ready for a deamon, if a deamon is what Lucius turns out to be. I have faced deamons before, and barely survived the ordeal. I was drained to within an inch of my life, and it was only through my blade that I prevailed" stated Malekith, cringing in remembered pain and horror.

"The fifteen dead warriors deserved their fate. They were placed in the coloseum because they were your common criminal. Criminals cannot be trusted, especially in the defence of an empire who's laws they don't even uphold." said Maximus.

"And who are you to judge? Are you a god? Who is to say one of those men could have been the turning point in the upcoming battle? Are you to say who is to die and who isn't?" Kathryn asked anger seeping into her voice.

"No, I'm not." answered Maximus, "In fact, it was your beloved Ceasar who passed judgement on them. They were common criminals. Nothing more. The Coloseum is barbaric, and it provides entertainment for the people. The men who fight and die do so because they have been sentenced by Ceasar. It is an arena of executions whereby these men can earn their freedom through victory."

"So these criminals are placed in the arena because they committed a crime. Then if they kill others they are given there freedom. That is a great way to keep your citizens safe.." Kathryn said with irony.

"remember Kathryn, if they do pose a serious threat even after their release, I am always ready." said Malekith witha smile.

"my name is Tuhai-Bei, lady," the man said in response to her question, bowing deeply "It is good to see that not everyone in this town is as bloodthirsty as those whom I saw at the arena. Such behavior is not that strange for a man, but there were many women there too..."

"It is merely a way for upstanding Roman citizens to find entertainment." said Maximus, "The Coloseum has been in existance for much longer then the Ceasar has been in power. It is a bloodthirsty sport, but it brings entertainment and punishment at the same time. But come, lets talk about other matters."

"No wonder this country is going to the dogs... when a blood thirsty mob runs things. I am sorry Tuhai-Bei but i have never been to the coloseum a warrior does not need a bloody display to prove that they are good warriors." Kathryn stated with a glint in her eyes.

"That is true Kathryn, but they must still prove themselves. And like it or not, combat is bloddy." stated Malekith

"What if a man is wrongly accused? You are creating a killer...! But we are drifting off of the point. I would love to chat with you about this. Yet I feel that we must either go do something useful or begin the hunt. Our prey has a big head start...we don't want the trail to be cold." Kathryn replied making the effort to stay on track.

"Thank you." said Maximus, "I agree with Kathryn. We should pursue this villian before the trail gets cold. Tuhai-bei, would you care to join us?"

"Ah, now yer talking!" Tuhai-Bei said"Lead the way, but rest assured, I'll be up front when combat begins."

"Very well, we go. But if Lucius turns out to be what I think he is, we run." stated Malekith. "This is the only time you will hear me say this, but this enemy may be beyond even me."

The three of them walked to Lucius' room. Malekith took out a vial and poured it on the jewel-key. Pressing the jewel, he opens the door to the tunnel. "I would not recommend any of you light a torch. We will need the protection the shadows offer us." said Malekith

"I am able to cloak us in shadows...if all agree?." Kathryn added as she looked down the tunnel " Its not fool proof it will just seem as if it is a deeper shadow where you are." Kathryn finished looking at the men.

"Good, we will need surprise on our side." stated Malekith.

" You must need to trust me or the illusion won't work. And as long as blood is not drawn the illusion will hold. You must not go near torches or windows for you will be visible and you must TRUST me for this to work." Kathryn replied looking the men around her in the eyes. " We must also darken our blades." Kathryn finished as she drew her blade and went to a nearby torch and smothered it. She took the ash and soot and rubbed it onto the blade to make it no darker than the shadows.

"My blade needs no darkening. It is forged of cold-steel, and is black as night." said Malekith. "We trust you, so let's go."

"This is not a trusting of words but a knowing trust of in here" Kathryn places a hand over her heart" and in here" Kathryn points to her mind. " And you cannot speak for all Malekith." Kathryn stated waiting for a responce.

"Well, Tuhai-Bei, can you stand sneaking around in the dark?" asked Malekith

"Feh! I am not only good for fighting," Tuhai-Bei pressed himself against the wall and nearly disappeared into shadow."My training was all-encompasing. Now let's get a move on. I am getting impatient. And although I do not like this kind of magic, go on, work your spell, lady."

Kathryn closed her eyes and opened her senses. " Tuhai-Bei I cannot perform the spell on you since you know a form of it." Kathryn said in a monotoness voice, " Glory are you coming?" Kathryn said in the same voice, " Nod your head for yes or shake it for no. Malekith you are all set, once we are moving you will see the affects of the spell, general if you are coming you are also spelled. If you go more than 500ft from me the spell ends." Kathryn said her voice expressionless and her mind in a trance.

"Don't worry," said Maximus. "I'm coming."

Syth sat in a chair in the corner, idly reading a scroll. She listened to the conversation, only half-interested.

"And just who are you?" asked Malekith of the child in the corner. "What business do you have in here?"

Syth looked up at Malekith. "Hmm? Oh. I live here." she got to her feet. "I am Syth Fontanus, my lord." she curtsied formally, a custom that had become a mere reflex.

"I know you live in the palace, but I whant to know what you are doing in this specific room. Do you not know whose it is?" asked Malekith, becoming very suspicious

"No. I don't read the signs they put up very often. Enlighten me" she replied.

"We are in the study of Lucius, former advisor of the ceasar and traitor to Roam." aswered Malekith, more than a bit annoyed, "I suggest you leave at once, lest I have you arrested on suspicions of being a traitor"

Syth regarded Malkieth questioningly. "If this is such a traitorous place, then what are you and the lady doing here?"

"Myself and Kathryn are here to find Lucius and bring him back for sentancing" gowled Malekith. "Once again I suggest you leave"

"A lady, bringing lord lucius in for sentancing? Why did you choose her? A guard or at least mercenary would have been a better choice." Syth said idly. "And besides, I have a message for him."

placing a hand on the hilt of his katana, Malekith eyed Syth even more carefully, "And just what is this message?"

"Private" Syth answered.

"It is not wise to keep things secret from the ceasars assassin, especially matter concerning nationall security" growled Malekith

"I apologize, my lord" she answered "But this is not my message! My sire wrote it, and since no other 'idle' messengers or children were around at the time, he sent me to deliver it." she looked at her feet "I was the last resort, because my father does not favour me..." her eyes were beginning to fill with tears, and she tried to wipe them away. "He told me this message was private, and if anyone other than lord Lucius himself hears- or reads- it, I will be blamed."

Kathryn clenched a fist then took a breathe, " And who is your master?" Kathryn asked going to eye level with the child.

Syth concealed the rage that flared up at this question. "Father." she corrected "Lord Lycaon Fontanus, M'lady

"Let me see the message." commanded Malekith, holding out his hands, "I have ways of reading messages without letting look like I have."

It was at about this time footsteps could be heard, accompanied by the dull clank of wood on marble in an odd rythem. Suddenly, as though forming himself from the surrounding darkness a figure emerged in the hall. A tall figure, a black cloak enshrouding him...the source of the methodical clanking; a staff held in his left hand. He approached slowly. Not it seemed in fear but in patience.

"What delay is this now?" fumed Malekith

The figure halted just beyond the reach of the light and bowed shortly, a silky voice issuing from beneath the shadow of the man's hood. "Delay?" He questioned mildy before continuing in a lazy drawl. "Delays do not occur without reason for haste." He straightened himself, leaning slightly on the staff which he held and watching Malekith...his eyes glinting from within his mask of darkness.

"Excuse me, my lord" Syth spoke to the...person "But might you be Lord Lucius?"

The figures head turn now, facing Syth. He chuckled darkly. "Nay...I am no Lord, nor am I Lucius. In fact I find it remarkable to find those two words being used together." He took another step forward and then continued with a note of amusement in his voice, "But you might say I know the old fiend." He chuckled again as though remincing on this. "I gather you seek him and thus we then share a common purpose."

"We do indeed seek the traitor, and thus our haste. If you want to join us, the more the marier I suppose." said Malekith, shaking his head. He has all but lost hope they would find Lucius this day

Syth backed up warily, her eyes fixed on those of the UNKNOWN male. "Indeed..." she replied, tucking the scroll she held into her bag.

He took another step forward, his long black robes swaying with the slight motion and then spoke once more. The unsettleingly calm voice issuing once more, "I ask of you but one question. Do you know where you might find your quarry were a means to be found?" A glint of white could now been seen in the shadows of the mans hood suggesting he wore a smile...or smirk now upon his face.

quicker than the eye could see, Malekith stepped towards Syth, plunged a hand into her bag, and withdrew the scroll. "I'm afraid I will have to confiscate this young lady. Fear not, I am not without comapssion. If your father lays a hand on you, tell him you are under the protection of Malekith"

Giving Malekith a quick nod, her eyes remained fixed on the UNKNOWN male. "No, my lord, I have no idea other than his chambers are a good place to start looking." she answered, standing her ground.

The figure inclined his head graciously, "You will show me to them." These words were not an order....but nor were they a seemed, they lay in between. He waited then, expectantly, still leaning casually on his staff.

Syth raised an eyebrow at him. "Are we not in them right now?"

"We are indeed young one." Laughed Malekith. "For one who seems so wise, you don't even know where you are old one. Now are you going to help us or keep waisting our time?"

The figure gave a short noise of disent, "You think these to be his chambers?" He gave a cold laugh. His place of residence perhaps but not his chambers if I know my old friend." He turned his head, muttering, "A crack in the wall...a painting...a piece of not quite right furniture." He turnec back, addressing the pair of them, "Any of these or in fact other things will lead to what he would call his chambers."

"Why, then, would you ask one as young as me, if they are so well hidden?" Syth asked.

"Would not this passageway lead to his quarters?" asked Malekith, motioning to the open passage.

"Not that I mind having a total stranger come with us but may I inquire as to what you like to be adressed as?" Kathryn said finally, she had gotten up and remained quiet in the background. " And Malekith what does the note say?"

unraveling the scroll, Malekith suddenly looked very annoyed and turned to Syth, "Girl, do you know what the note says, for I cannot read it." Turning to Kathryn, Malekith explained "The note is enchanted so that I cannot read it. I suspect the magic will let only Lucius and the scroll writer read what it contains."

"Maybe you could undo the magic on the scroll stranger..?" Kathryn asked the shadowed man.

The figure inclined his head to the young girl. "I am called Taoi." He said simply before turning the Kathryn.
He nodded to her, extending a long thin hand out for the scroll and bending at the waist slightly into a sort of bow, "Of course it can be undone as can all things. It is only a matter of time if you will allow me."

"Perhaps, when you find lord Lucius, you could have HIM read the scroll, but only once he is in your captivity, and then you could read it?" Syth suggested.

The figure straightened and pushed back his hood to reveal a thing an sallow face, pale and hook nosed but, his eyes gleamed like emeralds as he surveyed Syth and when he spoke it was still in the placating voice he had been using, "Please, That is what I meant to say that I can read that scroll...if you will hand it to me." His hand was still extended expectantly.

"Very well stranger." replied Malekith, handing him the scrool, somewhat tenantively at that. "What does it say?"

Taoi closed his fingers on it with a surprising amount of readiness. A dark chuckle came forth once more from beneath the hood and the scroll was withdrawn into the black robes. "It shall be as you wish then." He bowed his head, his whole form seeming to drawn inwards as a low sound came from his throat. It began to build then, a flowing stream of gutteral words came an a sudden sharp and cold breeze then picked up causing the robes and cloak to billow and furl as upset shadows.

"Thank you young lady for allowing us to do this. And thank you Taoi for disenchanting it. " Kathryn said with extreme politeness. " Malekith I suggest we get going... SOON!!!" Kathryn said loosing some of her paitence.

Altus was stricken by Kathryn's trust...his own hackles were bared slightly as the wind picked up within the hall. He had even half risen from his haunches as if ready to spring.

Kathryn laid a claming hand on Glory's shoulder then said so only he could hear "Do you think i would allow it to practice sorccery if I could not defend these people?" Kathryn then looked Glory in the eye waiting for a responce.

Taoi by by no means done, he held out the scroll then and it burst into deep blue flame which burned brightly for several moments before subsiding and leaving the scrolls message burned black upon it's surface though still the letters smoldered crimson when he held it out to Kathryn.
Catching the look on the lion's face his own thin lips curled, "Ah...of course...the guardian..." He looked over Altus closely, "Didst thou succomb and forfeit thy powers of old? Do mine eyes decieve me in showing me such ruin?" He laughed, more a bark than anything and turned back to the group at large, "The script is old friend hath not lost his old habits of disguise."

Syth gazed intently at the scroll. "Disguise? Makes sense..." she looked up Taoi questioningly. "but, if you and him are old friends, then why are you helping to find him?"

" You know the lion? Perhaps you could tell me his story on the way to find our quary?" Kathryn asked a polite smile on her face, " I cannot read or recognize the language of the scroll, would you read it to me?" Kathryn finished looking at Taoi.

Speaking to Syth Taoi replied simply, "My business with him is my own. It is enough I think we share a common purpose in seeking him but, once he is found our paths may divide."
He turned then to Kathryn, "And yes...I know the lion." His lips curved into a derisive smile, "He is a gaurdian, appointed of old by the pagan gods of the north...his story is a long one."
He lowered his eyes now to the scroll and allowed them to flit across the runic hand.
At a length he answered her rather shortly, "Nothing of immediate importance is written here."

"A lion?" Syth asked. "In Rome? But they live only in the southern lands!"

Altus meanwhile simply stood, the end of his tail flicking in irritation while he kept his gaze fixedly upon Taoi. A look of obvious dislike on his face.

Syth looked at Altus with a mix of curiousity and confusion. "Altus..." she spoke.

"And is the child your name Atlus?" Kathryn asked her Glory she was still waiting for some recognizable responce about her previous comment. Turning back to Taoi she asked " Why is he unable to communicate vocally?" she asked curiosty showing on her face.

"Although he is wiser than most lions, he's still a lion. He has not the vocal ability" she indicated to her voice box. "Is that right, my lord?" she asked, looking at Taoi. In a few seconds, however, she once again became distracted by altus. Walking over to him shyly, Syth stopped next to him, gazing intently into his large yellow eyes. <Hello> she sent

"Verry well I will rephraise my question. Why can he not communicate? Even the dogs and cats of the palace can express wants and needs through thoughts." Kathryn said, she hated lack of communication.

Taoi cleared his throat and replied with a tone that did not entirely hide his amusement. "Well my lady...this lion is quite ancient. He is bound by the powers of the pagan gods of old an appointed gaurdian of the forest, it's creatures and in much regard the balance therein." His glittering green eyes flicked to the lion and he continued, savoring the moment. "By the ancient magic he is condemned to the fate of becoming bereft of his powers should his fate fall to man." Taoi's lip curled in a derisive smile. "I beleive the last time I saw him in this predicament he was chained as a pet to a throne in the north." Taoi chuckled darkly.

This, this was more than Altus was prepared to take. His hackled raised he moved forward suddenly, his sinewy muscle rippling beneath his silvery coat.

Taoi whirled his staff around, pointing it at Altus's chest and when he spoke now his voice was cold, a sadistic shiver running through it. "I am more than a match for you in your present state...You know that."

"ENOUGH! You are like little boys who are fighting over the same thing." Kathryn said placing herself in the middle of the lion and the staff.

"If it is his servitude of man that binds him here, who does he serve. Certainly not Kathryn, she lets... Altus, do what he may. No human keeps him here against his will." stated Malekith.

"And what would you do to controll him. You nearly killed him last time you and that other person! Why do romans always want to controll things its called coexisiting." Kathryn said fury coming into her eyes yet her voice remained steady and calm, she was getting slightly annoyed.

"Perhaps..." Syth thought out loud, looking up at Taoi questioningly "Lucius?"

"We tried to kill him, Kathryn, because we say a lion crawl up out of the gladiator pit. We thought it was going to attack the populous, so we tried to stop it." replied Malekith. "And Syth, if this creature is bound to Lucius, then perhaps be killing him we shall release Altus"

"Why did you think he would hurt anybody? Did he show any sign of aggression? You Romans are all alike if something looks at you wrong you try to kill it." Kathryn said venomously she still hadn't moved from her position between the two.

"Signs of agression? Kathryn, the lion ws being used solely to kill. He was used for nothing else. Now, if we could let this matter alone. We have other, more pressing issues at hand." stated Malekith indignantly

" Why do you think that everything is a threat? If you were impressioned for all or most of your life you would try to be free would you not? Or would you not know Malekith? you being a roman and all..." Kathryn finished.

"I am not Roman, Kathryn, nor did I say I ever was. Rome is merely my current place of residence." replied Malekith, becoming very frustrated with the whole issue. Malekith wanted to hunt, and these people wouldn't let him

"Don't get frustrated at me. Besides you work for a roman and thats just as good... shall we hunt and leave these three to there fates?" Kathryn asked Malekith.

"Finally, let's go. Maximus, Tuhai-Bei; follow after us." said Malekith, crouching down and moving into the shadows, disapearing from view.

Kathryn muttered some inaudible things that could have been cursings or blessings and disappeared after Malekith.

Relieved that they could finally get hunting, Maximus followed closely behind Malekith.

Tuhai-Bei had to move fast to catch up to Malekith, but yet made no sound. He grew more and more intrigued at the events unfolding around him. He was glad that he had come here, as this was not only a test of combat prowess.

Taoi listenened in silence and then gave a small dry laugh. "Nay my lady, the lion is not bound in is if his fate rests with them. In his present state...and, I may be so inclined to say that he is indebted to you my lady. Why I cannot say but the old magic works in strange ways sometimes." He sighed, casting a smirk to the lion and then swept after Kathryn and Malekith. His business was not yet done.

Curious, Syth followed.

"Malekith do you know where you are going?" Kathryn asked Malekith coming up silently behind him.

"Lady" Syth spoke to Kathryn "What gives you the authority to speak of romans as such, when you are a roman yourself? Those characteristics are not so typical of romans as they are males."

"I am not a ROMAN!" Kathryn shot back remembering to keep her voice down just in time.

"Kathryn, remain calm. this is no time for arguments. And no, I don't know where I'm going, but there are no brach offs in this corrador, so I say we continue until it ends or it splits." whispered Malekith.

"I am calm!." Kathryn replied then took a few deep breathes.

Altus followed close at Kathryn's heels. Still limping heavily from the slashed tendon he seemed to have the determined resolution of gaurding her, keeping himself between her and the shadow that was Taoi.

Taoi continued down the hall in silence. His black cloak trailing as though his presence caused the darkness itself to shimmer in his wake. His staff made a light tap against the floor in a steady rythem with his own stride. He had once more drawn his hood up so that his face was once more hidden in shadow. In face, the only trus indication that he was there and not some sort of wraith was the silver serpent and wolf, entwined in battle, adorning the end of his staff for when the moonlight caught it the gleamed brightly and the emerald eyes of both beasts glinted eerily.

"Taoi what are the markings on your staff?" Kathryn asked quietly slowing down slightly to talk with Taoi.

A deadly soft growl issued from the lion's throat as Kathryn slowed, he did as well. Keeping a watchful eye on her.

Taoi's shadowed face turned to hers then. He remained silent a moment, judging how much to tell, the steady rythem of his footfalls and staff continuing.
At a length he spoke, his voice mild and cool, "They are my signs." He hesitated a moment, "A source of power and a means to it. Beasts which hath been revealed to me many ages past." He fell into silence once more then, waiting, wondering and watching this woman closely. Almost as a viper will its victim before it truely strikes.

" The serpent I can understand. They symbolize knowledge and the ability to survive even if you are already beaten. But the wolf? They are a symbol of power and caring also loyalty and the bonds of the pack. They are very contradictory in themselves... When did you recieve such wisdom from them?" Kathryn asked Taoi keeping pace and watching him carefully.

"Do they not also represent the night?" Syth inquired, still slightly taken aback by being yelled at.

Taor spoke quietly. "Yes, those are some of their qualities. Wisdom, survival, power." He took several more steps then in silence before continuing, "But also cunning, stealth, strength and mystery. Among other things." He turned then to Syth, "Night is not something which needs representation, rather it, represents many things."

"Or it can represent the absence of... or the ultimate evil or for some the ultimate power." Kathryn replied still walking with Taoi.

Syth nodded. "And the snake...when coiled around a staff, it can mean healing."

Taoi remained silent. He had said what he felt they should know about the meaning of his staff's decor and whatelse they wished to elaborate upon was up to them. He cared not.

The group came apon a fork in the passageway. "The left corrador seems to lead outside, I can feel a slight draft," whispered Malekith, "and there is light coming from the right tunnel."

"Both possibilities as to where he went." Kathryn observed, " Maybe Taoi can help us out...since he may know something." Kathryn finished wryly.

Taoi drew up along side her and did not speak for a short while and when he did his voice was mild as ever, "My Lady, Magic may reveal a sealed scroll but I am no tracking hound. If you wish to hunt in that manner perhaps you ought ask the lion."
He gave a cold smile and leaned on his staff boredly.

"If I had wanted to do magic I would have, besides to track someone you need something of theirs. I was merely refering to the fact that out of all of us you know him personally the best. So which way do you think he went? And leave Glory I mean Atlus alone while I can hear you..!" Kathryn almost yelled finally losing what paitence she had " Do you understand me Taoi?"

Taoi gave a short bow and hissed softly, "Of lady." He straightened and looked down both routes before indicating the darker of the two to be most likely and seeming most put out by having to put forth the minimal effort of doing so.

"Humph.!" was Kathryn's only reply. She wasn't voicing an opinion for she had no idea where they were anyway. Malekith seemed to know the palace very well she would have to trust his judgement. Then she had a thought maybe Atlus would know... she would have to think about it before she voiced this thought.

"Taoi, you are testing the patiance of all here. Either try to be a bit less infuriating, or I will collect your head." whispered Malekith through his teeth, becoming more and more infuriated with the stranger

Syth said nothing, sighing silently. If Taoi and Kathryn inisted upon arguing, then let them. It's not like she could do anything to prevent it.

"Lion, can you find out which way our traitor went?" asked Malekith

Altus regarded Malekith coolly for a moment. While civility was of great importance he still remembered, painfully so, what that man had done and was disinclined to assist him even if he could.

Taoi smirked, leaning on his staff casually and offering a small bark of a laugh, "I hardly think that that would be a feasable feat for ye. Furthermore Altus is a gaurdian, not a servant of human trivialites. He cannot take sides in our disagreements. Honestly I lament the lack of knowledge of the Old Ways you all have." He smirked boredly, "Also, as I have already indicated, given the nature of the quarry we seek, the darker route is the most probable."

Nilmawen stood in the corner in the shadows, listening to the other's conversation. A frown darkened her lovely features while she gazed apon the crowd. Then, as quietly as she could manage, she moved stealthily away from them all, ready to flee to some unknown place in the heart of the palace where this conversation would reach Ceaser's ears in a matter of time.

"Hold, someone is here who is not of our group." whispered Malekith. Then, almost too quick for the others to see, Malekith darted to the back of the group and pulled a strugelling figure from the shadows. "What are you doing here?" He asked of the figure.

Kathryn unsheathed her Katana and held the point of it under the girls chin. "Who are you and how long have you been here?" Kathryn asked icily. " Looks like a traitorous spy. Maybe we should kill her and bring her head to Ikilios." Kathryn suggested to Malekith her tone still frozen.

"You can put away your blade Kathryn, this girl is a loyal servent of Ikilios. But why," asked Malekith, turning his attention to the girl, "are you sneaking around in here of all places?"

"How do you know that she is still loyal? She could be a double agent?" Kathryn said lowering the blade but not sheathing it.

"I have seen her around. She is merely a common servant. She would have no reason to betray our country." said Malekith. "But lets hear what she has to say."

"It's not my country..." Kathryn muttered, "Besides being a common servant is an excellent way to spy i did it for a few years in a court similar to this. It is an excellent way to get information. No one pays attention to a slave." Kathryn said in a more normal tone.

Tuhai-Bei squinted as though remembering something. "You are that girl that was attacked in the streets by the strange man. You wouldn't say anything coherent as to why he was after you. Don't let her go! I have a feeling she knows something."

"Ah, thank you Tuhai-Bei. Now Nilmawen, what do you know?" asked Malekith

Nilmawen listened to their argument half-heartedly. Her eyes glared at Tuhai-Bai furiously. When they finally stopped arguing long enough to ask her a question she stayed silent, directing her eyes to the ground. Secrets? She knew many of them, but none that they would ever hear from her lips. Then with quick suddeness she stepped on Malekith's foot hard enough for him to loosen his grip. She reeled around, her fist coming in contact with Malekith's face. Slowly, her fist came up again.

"I'd stop if I were you." Kathryn said calmly as she gently placed the tip of her sword on the base of the girl's neck. Kathryn pressed gentlely so a drop of blood was spilled.

"She has not done anything to justify being threatened, my lady" Syth told Kathryn "Her reaction is one that any cautious female would do when grabbed by a strange man"

Tuhai-Bei reacted almost immediately, clenching his massive hand around Nilmawen's neck from behind, getting a firm grip and making sure he was out of kicking reach. "Than you try and make her talk," he snarled at Syth "When I am sure she's not an enemy she can leave. Until then..."

Nilmawen gasped at being attacked by two people at once. Her hands flew up to Tuhai-Bei's, digging her nails into them. She still did not speak but instead struggled for freedom. Her eyes regarded Syth kindly for a moment then froze over with coldness.

"Let her go Tuhai-Bei" said Malekith. He had recoverd from the attack almost immediatly. "You get one free puch, only because I think you are a servent of our ceasar. Now however I am not so sure..." Malekith moved into a fighting stance, katana in front of him. He waved the rest of the group to the sides of the corrador. "If you can get by me, you may leave. Be warned however, none have ever gotten by"

Tuhai-Bei simply gave a half-mouthed smile and released her, blocking the other end of the corridor.

Maximus, who had been standing off to the side said to Malekith, "There is no reason for this. It does not have to come to violence."

Nilmawen glanced at Maximus, regonition filtering through her eyes for a mere second before she turned to Malekith warily. She stood tensly, watching Malekith with slight irritation. Her foot took a hesitant step forward. Her eyes had noted that both men blocked her entrences and she was not sure if she could get past either or not.

Syth flinched half-heartedly at Tuhai Bei's reply. "Pardon me, m'lady, but that isn't the job of a courier." She examined Maximus with curiousity and respect. "My lord" she bowed to him.

Kathryn was leaning against the wall, by Tuhai- Bei. Her katana was still unsheathed. She cleaned the tip of her blade with a rag she had. " That wasn't really fair. Two people attacking her at once." Kathryn said to Tuhai- Bei.

"No, it was not," he agreed "But this is not about combat, one of us would be enough for that. We are trying to force information out." Tuhai-Bei turned his attention to Nilmawen "Look, girl, we are not bent on harming you. If you cooperate, we will let you go or at least give you to the governor of this city," he turned back to Kathryn "Pity, if it was a man we were facing I could put an axe in his head and be done with it. But tell me, my lady, what is it that drives you in this hunt? I have not seen many women warriors, much less those as skilled and tenacious as you."

Kathryn tilted her head in acknowledgement of her skill. "Yes women do tend to keep what they know to themselves. And whether or not it is combat the same concepts should supply. If she had moved she would have been dead. No one does not see many women who openly carry swords. Now we carry daggers and intrigue." Kathryn answered watching the girl. " At least tell us your name girl..?" Kathryn said to Nilmawen.

Nilmawen acknowledged Kathryn hesitantly. "Nilmawen." Then her eyes turned to glare upon Tuhai-Bei. "I have nothing to say to you or tell you, I'm afraid." Her eyes glittered dangerously.

"Afraid? bah, had you been afraid you would not have attacked me or Tuhai-Bei" observed Malekith.

"No, she doesn't mean she's frightened." Syth corrected "she doesn't have any information for you, unfortunately."

"Why will you not tell us?" Kathryn asked after cleaning her Katana point.

Nilmawen's eyes slowly moved to where Katheryn stood. Her glance fell to the Katana for a breif second before moving back to Katheryn's eyes. "Because there isn't anything to tell..." A small grin spread across her features despite her situation.

"Nilmawen, hmmm? What an unusual name..." Syth thought out loud, looking quizically at Nilmawen.

"My mother was foriegn." Nilmawen changed her glance to Syth, still grinning slightly.

"Really?" Syth inquired, smiling faintly in return. "The same can almost be said for mine...almost"

"Almost?" Nilmawen's grin faded slowly.

"They were from the same nation, I suppose, but two very of it." Syth explained.

"So why were you following us Nilmawen?" Kathryn asked raising an eyebrow slightly at the girl.

Nilmawen nodded at Syth then turned slowly back to Kathryn. "Following? Who said I was following?" Nilmawen's grin returned at her question, which was, obviously, a lie.

"We are wasting time... Please tell us something that will prove you are not here to stop us. Or I or him" nods to Tuhai-Bei " or him" nods to Malekith " will have to detain you so you cannot warn our quarry or tell his followers." Kathryn said as she checked under her nails then stood in a fighting stance that left no dout that she would follow through with her threat.

Syth shrugged. "Honestly, what do you think she could be capable of" she winked discreetly at Nilmawen "Against a group of three armed people who are experienced in combat?"

"You are not helpless." Kathryn said with a small frown. Something wasn't right here.

Syth shrugged. "M'lady is a better judge" she replied.

Kathryn's mouth turned up in a smirk for a second as she awaited for Nilmawen to say something.

"What say you?" Syth asked altus.

"According to Tuhai-Bei he cannot respond or get involved in mortal affairs. So if he could talk it wouldn't matter. Besides what does he have to do with anything?" Kathryn asked slightly perturbed.

"Well, since everyone but him and Taoi, who does not seem to be paying attention, have already voiced their opinions, I was asking his reaction was. 'Say' was meant to mean 'react'. And perhaps there is something he knows that we do not?" Syth explained.

Nilmawen shrugged her shoulders and smirked casually before leaning against the wall. "Why should I tell you anything that I know? That would be 'disloyal' after all." Her smirk grew at an alarming rate.

"So you are aligned with Lucius?" Syth asked, making eye contact with Nilmawen. < I can get you out of here if need be > She sent to her.

"I didn't say I was alligned with either of them..." Nilmawen hinted, ignoring the mental comment. Her eyes flickered slightly.

Tuhai-Bei could only restrain his anger for so long. "Damn it, girl, if we had any ill intent or were spies I would have already broken every bone in your body to get you to talk!" he fumed "But your stubbornness is too much. Start talking sense! I will not be delayed while the trail grows cold!" An enraged scowl spread across his face "This is the last time I will tell you."

Nilmawen scowled and, her fun ruined, slowly walked up to Tuhai-Bei. "What is that you'll be wanting to know then?"

"Uhh... What these people keep asking you," he said, slightly taken off balance by the question as he knew nothing of the current situation or what to ask Nilmawen.

Nilmawen chuckled and shook her head, moving to lean back against the wall. "So much for smartness in a warrior..."

Tuha-Bei whipped out his axe, swung it around his head and slammed it into the wall just above where Nilmawen was leaning, making sure to catch a lot of hair and pin it to the wall. Leaving the axe protruding he switched to his tai-ha and gave her a hard shot to the stomach with the blunt end. "Start talking," he hissed, his voice ice cold.

Nilmawen grunted, almost leaning over but was stopped by the axe. Her eyes stared coldly at him. "I know a few things about the Ceaser and Lucious, ok. So what?!" Her hand rubbed her stomach as pain flashed through her eyes momentarily.

Kathryn smiled glad someone was finally doing something about this annoying girl. " You know Nilmawen Tuha-Bei will break your bones and I will mend them and it will be very painful torture. If you would kindly tell us anything you deem important for us to know, as Ikilios's personal advisor, about Lucius anything would be greatful." Kathryn said walking up to Nilmawen.

Taoi, whom had been leaning quietly against the wall...his form seeming to have melded with the shadows themselves suddenly provided a reminder of his presence. A soft cold chuckle rose from the darkness and Taoi stepped forward, his thin face twosted with a sort of derisive pleasure and a malevolent gleam in his green eyes. He stepped past both Tuh-bei and Kathryn, holding his staff delicately before him. "Pain, my lady, is hardly required if one wishes to know the truth..." He hesitated, fixing Nilmawen with a sly look, "Pain can be fun I dare say but in matters of expediency and secrecy..." His voice lowered to little more than a whisper, "It does not work so well. But I have another way." With this he passed his staff slowly past the young girl's face. The emerald eyes of the sterling beasts upon it gleamed dully in the dark as the spell was cast and a blank look would come over the girl's face...a spell for truth. Taoi watched her closely, seeing the signs of bewitchment in her eyes and then inquired lazily, "What, is your name?"

Nilmawen's eyes grew blank as she stared at Taio. She had been ready to give out small bits of imformation then repramind them but she couldn't now. She fought the spell, hesistating for a moment before answering him. "Nilmawen."

"It is better if she had told us of our own free will." Kathryn remarked to Taoi.

Nice spell, you may want to pick on someone who can fight back. Diana said into Taoi's mind. Diana had been following the group silently. Keeping her presence hidden, Diana chuckled silently to herself these mortals were funny.

Tuhai-Bei backed away a few steps, unintentionally raising the point of his tai-ha. "I hate magic," he whispered under his breath.

"Lower your weapon. This spell will not hurt her in any way." Kathryn said turning her attention to Tuhai-Bei, then waiting for Taoi to ask Nilmawen her next question.

Malekith, who had now put away his katana, looked at Taoi, then at Tuhai-Bei. "Tuhi-Bei, it seems neither of us likes this sorcery very much. I suggest that we scout ahead while Taoi works his magic"

Syth glared at Tuhai-bei. "Wow, that REALLY makes you look powerful, hurting a cornered girl like that!" she hissed at him. "She is right! Warriors are seldom intelligent- with you as no exception!"

Taoi stepped back from the girl and addressed Kathryn lazily. "But with her own free will there may be an inclination towards deceit. This way, is easier." He smirked softly, disregarding Diana's whispering in his mind and in response only closed his eyes to dismiss her. Long had the greater gods sought to control him but he had resisted. His alliegance was to those of old and legend...not popular religion. Speaking once more to Kathryn he spoke again, "My lady, you may question her as you like and be assured honesty...I will lift it once you have the information you require." With that he leaned once more against the wall...hanging boredly on his staff.

Tuhai-Bei was still angry and unwilling to be scolded. He lashed out with the speed of a striking snake and lifted Syth by the neck into the air, crushing with almost all his strength. "Care to quetion me some more?" he snapped "This is not about making me look powerful, it is about continuing the hunt. you seemed to have no better ideas, so keep your tongue behind your teeth."

Kathryn raised an eyebrow at Taoi. Wondering why he had transfere the spell over to her. " Why are you following us Nilmawen?"

I don't mean to be trying to control you I am merely bored and decided to offer commentary. I am aware of your beliefs. Diana responded to Taoi, leaving him with the impression of a patronizing smile.

"Tuhai-Bei, put her down. I have told the girl she is under my protection." warned Malekith. "There will be others to kill. Others to put up a fight. A real fight. Lets move on. Maximus, you can stay here and witness the questioning, or you can come with us. Same goes for you Kathryn, though I would like it if someone were hear to hear the answers, so I don't have to rely on some shadowy stanger. And Syth, I cannot protect you if you continue to pick fights."

Tiha-Bei snarled and threw Syth against the wall. "Make sure there is no second time, or it will be your last!" He stalked off silently down the hall, retrieving his axe from the wall.

Nilmawen blinked before answering. "To gather information to bring to the Ceaser and Lucious." She blinked once again. Her expression was blank.

Syth snarled in fury, sinking her teeth into Tuhai Bei's arm. Finally,his grip loosened, and he threw her against the wall. However, before she hit the stone wall she managed to complete the spell that would allow her to float, and she swerved away from the wall to land in an armchair- however, despite her efforts, she still landed with considerable force, and slammed into the chair. Standing up, she glared venemously at Tuhai Bei, rubbing a sore spot on her back. "Mercenaries" she snarled. "I need little protection from him " she told Malekith.

"I can question and walk. Since our quarry knows we are comming. With all this noise we are making." Kathryn replied to Malekith, " Nilmawen follow me. Why are you reporting to Lucius?" Kathryn said starting to walk forward.

"Ebuche Sluche" muttered Malekith. Why did he have to pick these people to ally with. They were infuriating. He understood how Tuhai-Bei felt, and all Malekith wanted to do now was hunt and kill.

Taoi was not bothered by Diana's words in his thoughts and simply pulled his hood up once more as he set off to follow in the wake of the group, relplying in silence to the goddess with a tone of annoyance, Why then must you continue in your petty attempts to intervene in my affairs.

If I had wanted to interfere I would have. I am merely watching right now. Who knows what might occur. Mortals are so unpredictable. Diana replied.

Nilmawen stood still. The spell made her tell the truth, not obey them. A flash of defiance showed through her eyes before she answered. "For revenge."

Syth's ears perked up. "Revenge? On who?"

"The Ceaser." Nilmawen answered. In her voice there was a trace of anger.

Taoi retorted casually, Aye, they are. He was still annoyed and felt little reason to elaborate further on this comment.

And are you not mortal or at least have morality? Come now be polite I am just making conversation. Diana retorted.

"Ahhh! This is useless, girl we are going to get Lucius. You either come or you go choose one, and why do you want revenge?" Kathryn remarked as she stopped to hear the girls answer.

Taoi smirked, You should know the steps I took long ago to gaurd myself against mortal death...
He then lazily raised the end of his staff from the floor and moved the base in a deliberate and graceful motion in the direction of the girls feet. From the end of the staff a pair of shadowy serpents glided, slythering across the floor, their hisses silent as they bound to each of the girls legs and worked a force upon them to move her into a walk. He watched bemusedly from the beneath the shadow of his hood.

Nilmawen's eyes flickered over to Taoi, glaring furiously. As she walked her mouth opened to answer the question asked of her. "He killed my family."

"Very well. You can stay here or you can go and find the Ceasar. We will deal with you later... espically if you make an attempt on the Ceasar's life." with that Kathryn whispered a word of command and the serpents and the truth spell was released and the girl was freed. " We will kill you if you make trouble." Kathryn stated and started walking off again.

What if I were to reveal your weakness? Or if I probed to find it? I am bored Taoi. What can I maybe answer for you? Diana replied sarcastically.

Nilmawen scowled. "If I have it my way, The Ceaser will be dead before night falls, as I have planned." Her words were harsh and she turned to head back the way she was headed before she was detained. She threw a comment over her shoulder as she retreated. "Beware for the Ceaser will fall."

Choosing now to ignore Diana he watched as Kathryn made to lift the spell and gave a slight wave of his staff to do it for her. The fact she seemed to think she held sway over the power of his spells was laughable but leading her to beleive it was so could not harm anything. The dull look left the girls eyes in an instant and the serpents dissolved into smoky shadow.

Farther ahead of the column, Tuhai-Bei leaned closer to Malekith and spoke in a hushed tone. "Listen lad, I am eager to get this hunt started, but our companions are not to my liking. That warrior lady is the only useful member of this warparty short of us. I am hating all this spellcasting and that hooded character has an ill-favored look. As far as the short brat, she will only get underneath our feet. Do you not think that we ought to act with more caution in a venture like this and not take along strangers?"

"Each of the members of the party serve a purpose. I too know spells. I just tend not to mix the fighting and the magic. You will see... we are not blind to the party's faults." Kathryn said as she caught up to Malekith hearing the comment. She glared at Taoi as she passed she was perfectly capable of lifting his spell she had wondered if he would do it if she pretended to try lift the spell. With his small bit of magic she got a small measure of his power.

"Perhaps" Syth said carefully to Nilmawen "There was a good reason for your parents' deaths?"

Nilmawen whirled upon Syth furiously. "He killed them because he wanted my mother but since he couldn't have her then no one could! You call that a good reason?!" Her voice came out in a harsh hiss. "The Ceaser is a man who bathes in his own fortune! But no more! Now he will bathe in his own blood!"

"I share your sentiments. Though magic has its uses," said Malekith in equally hushed tones, "my blade contains magic, but subtle magic, not anything like these damnd wizard use. And as for Syth, she has refused my protection. If you wish, you may kill her. And I think it is agreed that Nilmawen will die. I merely ask that it is by my blade."

"Agreed. Not too smart, is she? Threatening your ruler outloud...." a wry smirk came upon Tuhai-Bei's face.

Syth shook her head. "Forgive me, I did not mean to offend. I had no knowledge of the situation..." she sighed "I know little of the manner of ceaser, but it seems as though he did unjustly kill your parents" Syth met the girl's eyes solemnly "As we will be soon enough by those adrenaline-high males if we do not get out of here."

Nilmawen nodded, trying to control her anger. Her eyes had narrowed as she glanced towards Malekith and Tuhai-Bei. "I agree that would should leave them, but where is the question." She kept her voice at a minium.

Syth smiled wryly. "That's simple" she answered "but it cannot be discussed out loud here. There are many hiding places for us."

Nilmawen eyed Syth for a moment before cupping her elbow in the palm of her hand. "Come then, let us be gone before they see." She lead Syth down the hall, talking quietly.

Syth followed, silent and cautious.

Some ways down the hall Nilmawen stopped, glancing around them cautiously. The hand the cupped Syth's elbow lifted and pushed on a marble stone in the wall. Immeadiatly a small portion of the wall sprung aside to reveal a secret passageway. Her hand went back to Syth's elbow as she lead into the passageway. Without a sound the door shut smoothly behind them, leaving them in the flickering light of lit torches.

Taoi followed in silence. His hood drawn up and masking his face. He remained in quiet thought, the only indication he was there being the occasional soft tap of his staff upon the stone floor.

Nilmawen sensed the stranger, Taio, behind her but gave no indication that she did. As inconpicious as she could manage, she lifted a torch of the wall. Then, letting go of Syth's elbow, she whirled around with the torch. Her hands strained as she lifted it high over his head.

" We still haven't decided which way to go." Kathryn said to Malekith.

"Your purpose is best served with them" Syth hissed at Taoi, indicating towards the others.

Nilmawen held the torch with one hand while the other hiked up her robes to reveal a gleaming knife attached to her thigh. "Be gone stranger, make us wary of you no more!"

Taoi chuckled, "My business shall begin in the same place yours ends. So far as threatening me..." He trailed off, apparantly amused by the prospect. "That is folly for I will advise you to vex me not." In the shadowy mask of his hood he smirked.

Nilmawen rolled her eyes. "I will not have to threaten you if you leave!" Her voice did not waver as she bent slightly to retrieve her dagger on her thigh. Her eyes never left Taio.

" 'Tis not so much a threat as a warning" Syth replied.

"Let us go to Lucius' quarters" said Malekith

Taoi gave a small noise of disent through his nose as he moved forward. Slipping quietly and unconcernedly past the pair of them. His business was with Lucious tonight, not with silly maids.

Nilmawen snorted, lowering the torch slowly. "Weakling..." She muttered. Her eyes stared long and hard at Taoi's back.

"Thankfully, he does not seem loyal to the others..." Syth reflected.

"That is true..." Nilmawen replied. "Come on, let's continue our path." She turned down another passage that had no torches except the one she held. "You might want to grab a torch."

Malekith and the others finally arrived at Lucius' study. Malekith motioned the others to be silent, then peered in through the keyhole. Seeing the room empty, Malekith tested the door. It was locked. Pulling out a thin knife and placing it in the keyhole, he gave it a few expert twitches, then it clicked open. He flung the door open, the tossed the kife on the floor just in front of the door. Seeing there was no trap, he steped in and picked up the knife. "Well, I can see no traps, but perhaps you, Kathryn, could detect any hidden ones with a spell?"

Syth held out her palm, and a ball of silver flame appearedin her hand. She held it out to illuminate the dark hallway ahead.

Nilmawen glanced over her shoulder with a raised eyebrow skepticly. Without saying a word she continued down the hall until they came to a small peep hole in the wall. "That is Lucious' study. Your friends are in the doorway..." Nilmawen shrugged and started to move on. "My room is down the next small set of stairs, along with the other sevents... If that is where you want to go we can be alone enough to talk. The rest of the servents are working today."

Syth nodded.

Kathryn stopped and shut her eyes on the threshold of the door."There are no traps here for the nonmagically inclined. Except for the pit traps and others that are dectable by nonmagical peoples.BUT... there are two girls.. in an adjoining hall or room. One of them is using magic." Kathryn replied.

'Right. Kathryn, if you or Tuhai-Bei could take care of the magic users, I'll take care of the traps." said Malekith. He then prodeced through the room, disarming the traps he came across, marking the ones he couldn't disarm.

"Tuhai-Bei?"Kathryn asked questioningly.

"Right," came the response "Let's lop some heads." The sword left its sheath and the huge warrior stacked against the door of the next room. "Just say the word."

"First lets find out what they know." responded Malekith, "Break their fingers so they can't cast spells though"

Syth sighed. She shoudl've used normal fire. But no matter. Let them come.

Nilmawen scowled and cursed quietly under her breath. She glanced over at Syth questiongly.

Syth shrugged. "Sorry?" she apologized unconcernedly.

Nilmawen shook her head slowly, the scowl still reasting upon her features. "What do we do now?"

"Let them come" Syth answered grimly "Death is not the worst fate in the world."

Nilmawen nodded and slid down the wall into a sitting posistion. "True..." She snuffed her torch out.

Opening a lage door nearby, Syth gently 'tossed' the 'flame' into an empty room, making sure it wouldn't spread to create any fires. Closing the door, she motioned to Nilmawen to continue down the hallway. This way, they could go un-detected.

Nilmawen stood into a standing posistion. "Where are you?" She called out warily in the darkness.

Syth took an unlit torch from one of the brackets on the wall and lit it. Holding it out, she offered it to Nilmawen.

Nilmawen took the torch she was holding and lit it with Syth's hesitantly.

Syth nodded. "We have to make some distance between ourselves and the fire" she indicated to the empty room that she had stashed the magocal flame in.

Tuhai-Bei gave the door a solid shoulder check and burst into the room, sword at the ready. He came at the two figures, still visible in the light escaping from the room that he just left, and swung with a massive fist at the closest one.

Nilmawen stumbled backwards, holding her nose. What seemed like slow motion to her but was really mere seconds she fell to the floor. A small groan excaped her lips, muffled behind her hands.

Syth glared at Tuhai-Bei, her eyes glittering with inhuman hatred. "If you so much as lay a finger on me" she spat malevolently "I'll make you regret it."

Having dropped his first target, Tuhai-Bei turned to the second. Hearing the threat he raisd his fist over his head and swung down. As the punch headed for the target his boot came from underneath, heading for the jaw of the second person.

Nilmawen leaped up, as fast as she could manage, and flung herself upon Tuhai-Bei's large back. Her hands clutched at the fabric of his shirt to stay on so he could not shake her off. Blood ran down her face in a stream but she did her best to ignore it.

How interesting... Kathryn thought as she watched from the door way.

"You fool!" Syth hissed maliciously, rubbing the big bruise on her jaw where she had been kicked. She began to shiver with anger. "It is not yet her time to cross Styx! LEAVE HER ALONE!" Her odd silver eyes began to glow with an unearthly light, filled with hatred.

Not waiting for a spell to be cast, Tuhai-Bei forcefully spun Syth around and twisted her neck till he heard a couple of small pops, just enough not to break it. "You'd do well to stop the threats and cooperate," he said "And your friend, too." He cast an eye back at Nilmawen whom he had ignored the entire time. "One wrong move or word and you're done for." He turned the head just a bit more to emphasise his point.

Nilmawen cowered on the floor, where she had fallen after a few moments clinging to Tuhai-Bei's back. As he looked at her she stuck her chin high in the air and wiped the blood from her face.

Syth remained quiet for a few moments, stunned. Faintly at first, but slowly growing louder, she began to laugh bitterly. "Go ahead, mercenary, break it."

"Why are you so eager to die?" Kathryn asked Syth.

"Who cares?" spoke Tuhai-Bei. Suspecting that this is a diversion to buy time he decided not to allow it to take place. Bracing his legs against the ground he twisted with all his might.

"Stop!" Nilmawen vaulted herself towards Tuhai-Bei, hoping to stop him in the act. She dug her nails into Tuhai-Bei's arm, drawing blood forth.

Syth let out a small gasp, and crumpled to the floor. For a few moments, she lay still on the ground, breathing heavily. Slowly, she sat up, twisting her neck back the right way as if soothing a cramp. "How I wish to die. But that is impossible..." she replied bitterly, a crooked smile forming.

Kathryn tilted her head at this latest developement, she then began to examine her nails.

Tuhai-Bei did not even notice the scratch. He stood gaping at the rather unexpected survival. He muttered something about devilry under his breath and began groping for his sword, not taking his eyes off Syth.

"You cannot kill her." Kathryn said still looking at her nails. She wondered where the rest of the party was and started looking around for them. Some of them were not even through the door yet.

Nilmawen's grip loosened at the new twist and she stepped back, shunned for the moment.

"That will do you little good" Syth chided, pointing at the sword.

Nilmawen tried to move beside Syth, away from Tuhai-Bei. As she moved she stooped and pulled a dagger out from under her robe, aiming to use it.

"Why are you fighting these women Tuhai-Bei?" Kathryn asked.

"Didn't you or someone else in the group tell me to take 'em down? And you there," he pointed to Nilmawen "Put that little toy away. Even if you find a vulnerable place on me that hardly has any hope of killing me."

Malekith, who had cleared the previous room of traps and had just seen what happened, dashed in and jumped behind Syth, pulling her hair and exposing her neck. He placed his katana against it, just drawing blood. "His weapon may not work against you, but mine will. I hold the blade Gal-maraz, forged by the gods to kill daemons. Your immortality will not help if this blade removes your head."

Nilmawen scowled darkly towards Tuhai-bei but did not put her weapon down. As Malekith made his move so did she. Her cat-like reflexes made her move gracefully and she pulled her arm up into a throwing posistion, aiming for his neck. "Kill her and I'll kill you." Her voice was dangerously low.

"Why are we all fighting? There was no indication as to the fighting motives of these women. Besides have we me before..? We need more light!" Kathryn finished, her lips barely moved as the room came to full illumination. No corner was left dark everything was exposed. " There now let the women breathe. We have bigger prey to catch."

Syth laughed. "Demon? Is that what you think I am?"

"Dammit, lets either kill them quick and be done with it or leave them be and keep going," snarled Tuhai-Bei, moving to block Nilmawen's line of sight, confident that such a flimsy weapon could do no harm. "May I remind you," he adressed Kathryn "That the one with the kitchen knife threatened to kill your ruler."

"He is not my ruler. I am not a roman. Besides he is a big boy and can take care of himself. If there was more than one of her then I may be concerned. Since we cannot kill that one. I suggest we keep moving." Kathryn said indicating Syth then waiting for the other's opinions.

Malekith wipped Syth around to the right, then jerked her to the left, cutting her throat. Before she could hit the ground, the grabed a knife from his belt and, jumpin to the side, flung it at Nilmawen's hand, pinning it to a wall. "Let that be a warning to you both. Come Tuhai-Bei, Kathryn, let us leave these two. And Nilmawen, if Syth should get up, tell her that next time I see her I shall remove her head, not just cut the neck."

"Men.!" Kathryn muttered in exasperation. She was still by the door so she waited for the others to proceed her.

Nilmawen gasped and grabbed her trapped hand with her free hand. She tried to pry it loose, but with no avail. "You shall die! Just like your idiot of a leader!" She yelled after them.

"They shall do worse than that." Syth whispered hoarsely, seething with fury. After a few moments of lying still, she stood up, wiping dirt off her toga. "That one shall burn for all eternity" she hissed angrily, prying the dagger that was thrown at Nilmawen from the stone wall.

Nilmawen rubbed her hand, barely realising the pain in it yet. Her expression held deep dark fury and she nodded in agreement. "They all shall burn!"

"May Loki grant those two slow deaths." muttered Malekith to no-one in particular. Back in Luciu's study, he began to search for something of any value to their quest

"I've changed my mind. No longer will I serve Caeser! Those males are employed to him and therefore represent his actions! He shall suffer the same fate. We will make sure of that." she told Nilmawen.

Nilmawen nodded deftly, seemingly lost in thought. Her eyes were clouded over in thought.

Syth examined Nilmawen closely. "Do you have a plan?"

Nilmawen blushed and shook her head. "I was planning to sneak up in the night while he sleeps and smuggle him." Her shoulders lifted in a light shrug.

Syth frowned. "That was my plan, too..."

"Now that that is over. Do we take door one or door two?" Kathryn said indicating the two closed doors at the end of Lucius rooms.

Sighing, Syth helped Nilmawen to her feet. "We'll think of something. But come- now there are other things to deal with. This Lucius may be beneficial to our plans."

Continue to Ikilios' palace 6


back to the Colosseum 2
back to Latium 2
back to the Pantheon 4
back to Rome

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2004-05-08 [Dryad]: yeah

2004-05-08 [Kit Azhure]: aren't there gods/godesses in this place?

2004-05-09 [Dryad]: good point.

2004-05-12 [DeadHead]: *grins* cupid could come and make a huge mess if youd like ;)

2004-05-12 [Kit Azhure]: Tali!!!!

2004-05-12 [..:TwIStEd* *EsCApE:..]: whatta whatta?

2004-05-13 [DeadHead]: :D hey hey kit!

2004-05-16 [Dryad]: riiiiight. you have fun. I'm certainly not having any right now...

2004-05-16 [DeadHead]: why not?

2004-05-16 [..:TwIStEd* *EsCApE:..]: why? What's wrong?

2004-05-19 [Dryad]: life sucks

2004-05-20 [Rizzen]: right, um... were going to have to finish this hunt soon. I'm quitting Powers.

2004-05-20 [DeadHead]: yea and its been a while since anyones been talkin @ my guys place so.. :/

2004-05-20 [Rizzen]: yeah. my problem with the whole deal is that our ceasar haesn't been around in... what, two months, and the very man I'm hunting hasen't been around for almost as long

2004-05-20 [DeadHead]: yea.. i think we should end it ceasar gets in a trajic fight with Lucius and they both diee.. then we can say someone else claims the throne adn it will all end peachy like XD

2004-05-20 [Rizzen]: but to do that we'd need them both here

2004-05-20 [DeadHead]: meh

2004-05-21 [..:TwIStEd* *EsCApE:..]: or someone could message the person, tell them that someone is gonna have to take their place until they get back and then someone could rp the Ceaser and whoever...Just a suggestion...:( Sorry that you guys are leaving. I'm gonna be gone until monday(it's friday today) so try not to get to far ahead without me...I'm going to a camp! Yeah! *Grin*

2004-05-21 [Dryad]: yeah, make them npcs until they come back. And do something instead of waiting for someone else to

2004-05-25 [Roccoriel]: looks like we need a new room

2004-05-25 [..:TwIStEd* *EsCApE:..]: thanks guys for not getting to far ahead. What do you mean Dryad?

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